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Writer's picture: Sonya BarnesSonya Barnes

Updated: Apr 16, 2020

YES! Unless you’ve been living under a rock or seriously checked out, there is a change in the air…WOMEN! More than ever before the spotlight is on us. We

are speaking out boldly, being heard, and breaking barriers in all walks of life.

WTF! Women are The Future!

Here’s even better news. According to research by the AgeLab at MIT in Boston, MA, women with a bit of experience (50 and older) are better prepared for life more than the middle-aged man. (Shocking right? Nah!)

Older women rule the world. We’re not our grandmother’s (or mother’s!) 50, 60, or 70-year-old woman; we are NOT “growing old gracefully” and content with bouncing grandkids on our knees while we knit and crochet. Not that anything is wrong with any of that (I don’t know what I’d do without my grandson!), but we are not LIMITED to that any longer.

We simply do more. We’re more active, we’re working longer (many times by choice), we travel more. We are more educated now than ever before in history. Forget about your day job! When we come home we hold several titles:

  • Chief Caregiver- We’re sometimes referred to as the “sandwich” generation as we care for our aging parents, boomerang children while often neglecting ourselves.

  • Chief Consumer Officer- According to Bloomberg, if the consumer economy had a gender, it would be female. Women drive 70-80% of all consumer purchasing, through both their buying power and influence. Influence means that even when we’re not paying for something ourselves, we often influence or veto another woman’s purchase.

  • Chief Decision Maker - We make 80-90% purchasing decisions for our households, including vacations and luxury items.

And... we are redefining BOSS Lady! We are embarking on second careers, entrepreneurship and giving back to what really matters most to us.

Now let’s pause for a minute. Where are YOU in this equation? Are you wearing several hats and often putting yourself third or fourth on the rungs of your life ladder? Let’s face it. The reality of us living an additional 50, 60, or 70 years through medical and technological improvements is practically inevitable…

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, “Life isn’t a dress rehearsal. You don’t get a do-over.” This is so true as we embrace our second, better half of life. No one gets to the end of this journey and talk about how busy they were, how they failed to care for themselves, etc. As we know it’s often shared with “woulda, coulda, shouldas.” We are so blessed to be on this earth at this very moment in time.

Start dreaming and designing YOUR BEST LIFE. Intentional living is the best living, full of enrichment, joy, grace, and ease.

I began designing my signature program Woman of Substance, Woman of Style two years ago just before turning 50. Last week I took it live and launched it to the masses. This program is designed for women who are simply tired of living by default reacting to situations that cause internal stress. It is designed for women curious about exploring what excites you as another life transition approaches. It is about pausing to take an intimate look at who you want to be as a woman.

We are not here to live ordinary, mundane lives. We are extraordinary women, designing our extraordinary lives and of course, doing it with extraordinary style!

WTF! (We/Women are The Future!)

Check out our Signature Program and join a community of extraordinary women.



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