Lights, Camera, Smile for the Camera

Ugghh…a photo shoot. Well, the first thing that comes to my mind is “how will I look?” There are some women who LOVE a camera. I mean, they strike a pose and seek the papparazzi. Not me! People are always shocked that I don’t love a camera and I’m like…seriously? Nooooo. You’re talking about the gal who is always looking to see how she looked and if her face is fat, her hips look broad, blah, blah, blah…now in the days of selfies, filters, and retakes, it’s become a social norm to be in front of a lens whether it’s professional or our smartphone. Ugh..I delayed I kid you not at least six months taking new headshots for my website and social media branding. When I finally succumbed I was exhausted and just decided to be me…this was the Sonya Barnes 2.0. a shift in mindset. Now, I was so grateful that I knew an extraordinary woman photographer who worked on branding women as her niche and does amazing work. As a matter of fact, the last shoot I had was the result of yet another extraordinary, female photographer who did the same. There is really an art to taking great photographs. Even for those who don’t consider themselves that photogenic there is the secret sauce to a great shoot. Whether a professional headshot, lifestyle photos, or rebranding for simply YOUR rebrand; keep these nuggets in mind. Now, I consulted with my branding photographer for her input and this is what she shared with me and I want to pass along to you. Now, smile for the camera and strike a serious pose!
5 tips for posing the body you have to look like the body you want:
Bye Bye Double chin!
To slim your chin and jawline, gently roll your shoulder back and extend your chin down and straight forward making sure not to roll your shoulders forward. It also helps to put your tongue at the roof of your mouth.
Get rid of those chubby arms!
Lots of people tell me that they don’t like their arms because they feel like they are too fat: To slim the arms, stand at a 45 degree angle with your arm facing the camera. Lift your arm an inch or 2 away from your body making sure to leave a space between your arm and the rest of your body with your elbow bent, then rest your hands on your hip or slightly behind your back.
Overall body slimming.
Never pose head-on to the camera, this makes you appear larger.
Instead turn your body at a slight 45 degree angle with all of your weight on the foot that’s furthest away from the camera and stand with your knee bent. Slightly inhale to suck your stomach in while elongating your body. It also helps to stick your booty out a lil bit.
Create the illusion of a slimmer waist.
Stand with all of your weight on one hip/leg. With both hands, find your natural waist then position your hands a little higher and slide them towards your belly button with your elbows bent and out. Make sure you aren’t squeezing or adding pressure. Lean forward slightly.
Sitting pretty.
Sit or “perch” on the edge of the chair or stool. Slightly extend one leg forward and place your foot on a small stool or block with 1 knee up. Cross your elbows across your knees then simply lean forward a tiny bit. This will bring the body in and slim everything down into a soft line. Never sit back and relax when you’re in a seated position, it makes you look frumpy and all your weight settled in your midsection.