Happy New Year!
Wow! And Yes! It’s 2025. Now that January is in full swing, I have settled down to write, the old-fashioned way, a blog post for the new year. In complete transparency, I have become rather silent the past several months, on purpose. I literally had to step back and get in stillness with “all of this” meaning the menopause whirlwind.

Information overload is coming from every angle – everyone is an expert, celebrities have a platform, so many offering certifications, pills, and potions promising to provide a sense of relief from all the symptoms. We're confronted with new terminology about a body we've had since birth, leaving many of us feeling like deer in headlights about what's actually happening to this incredible body we have as a gift.
I hear mixed emotions of despair, hope, resolutions, and fatigue of yet something else we need to know but didn’t know, and oh, coupled with the fact that many of our doctors weren’t even trained on this significant phase of life. The saddest part of it all is the confirmation of the failure of the medical field, the government, and society as a whole to think so little of women as worthy.

Now, the upside of it all is that things have changed dramatically. I’m both proud and excited to see the awareness and the commitment to change for women’s health. This literally brings me joy. In all of this, I’ve had to ask myself, “Where do I fit in all of this?” I’m not a doctor, nor do I play one on television. I knew back during the pandemic that menopause was on the trajectory to become prominent as it was impacting me and my clients and, we were just fed up with it all.
I love women. I love being a woman, working with women, and empowering women to live extraordinary lives with extraordinary style. That has been my motto for years, and it continues to evolve with our changing needs. That's why I've added 'live well, be well' – because true empowerment must encompass the total health of mind, body, and spirituality. This holistic approach has become even more crucial as I witness firsthand how midlife's challenges impact myself, my friends, and my clients.

I’m talking about adult children, aging parents, becoming grandparents, many of us becoming caregivers, some being single either by default or choice, divorced, or widowed. I’m speaking of burnout of work, ageism, retirement, finances, and the loss of friends and loved ones that force us to look at our own mortality. It’s a lot. Breathe.
During my introspective time, I’ve grappled with how I am different. How do I claim my stake in this new awareness and social verse? But the bigger question is, how do I serve? Do I jump claim to the zeitgeist of the times of all things all menopause, or stick to what I truly believe? Menopause is not a silo of our life. It’s all connected to our whole being as a woman. There isn’t one without the other.

So, all of this is to say, 'Who am I?' I am a midlife and wellness coach who works with women experiencing menopause and midlife. I will stay committed to what I know to be true and strive to make a contribution to helping all of us live our healthiest and extraordinary lives. As we journey through 2025 together, expect real conversations about whole-life wellness, practical strategies for navigating midlife's challenges, and a supportive space where every aspect of your experience is honored and addressed. Because your story matters, and your whole health matters – not just your symptoms.”
I'd love to hear your story and what matters most to you in this season of life. Whether you're seeking support, have questions, or simply want to connect with someone who understands, reach out to me via email. You can also join our community of extraordinary women by joining the Facebook Page, https://www.facebook.com/SonyaBarnesOfficial, Mid La Vie; Life in the Middle. You can also follow on Instagram @sonyabarnes or by booking a discovery call. Let’s navigate this journey together.”
Live Well, Be Well,
